Cardiff // D-ICE & PANSY
I've just returned to Los Angeles (hello sunshine!) from 3 weeks in Wales working on Arkasha Stevenson's D-ICE & PANSY, produced by the Iris Prize family. Shot predominantly in a motel interior with only one exterior scene, the film presented lots of new challenges. Amazing camera support from Video Europe thanks for Alexa mini and Zeiss Ultra Primes. (and M-18 ; )). This was the lightest and best mini hand held rig I've had, so easy to use. Thank you Dave and Julian!
This film is coming out next year but here are a few preview stills from test grade...
And my vacation pics, 120mm film:
Producer Kris Francis and director Arkasha Stevenson visit the Welsh countryside. Our hero, Kris!!
120mm / Hasselblad 503cx, Bristol and Wales June 2016